Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Where have I been?

Knocked on my butt the last two weeks with a flu and strep throat, that's where.

Not for 4-5 years have I been laid up like that by viruses and bacteria. 
And then the first doc (the ER doc, since I rushed to an ER when I woke up with my throat almost swollen shut) prescribed this "Biaxin", which was just awful - side effects like you wouldn't believe, including:
- increased heart rate
- insomnia
- nausea and vomiting


I tried to tell the guy that Erythromycin has worked for me ever since I had an allergic reaction to Penecillin when I had mono in college, but noooooo, he had to try the new popular antibiotic.

After two days I got some Erythromycin from my own doc.  Within a couple of days I felt like a million bucks.

Ah well, docs are people too I guess.
I've developed a healthy skepticism realism about most professionals in my mid-life.

So why pursue the PhD myself?
Well, first off, I think I've been extremely patient in "going the whole 9 yards" with the graduate work, considering I:
1) could easily have barrelled through it after the Master's, and
2) have put growing a family ahead of my ambitions in that regard.

On the other hand, I didn't want to be one of those thirtysomething PhD's who have little to no actual "real-life" work experience, or worse yet narrow my options to testing, researching, and/or teaching psychology since I wouldn't have been good for much else.

Now that I have some years of experience (close to being able to say "decades"), though, and want to be taken more seriously for my expertise, it seems to fit.  It could also parlay into teaching or writing in the future, which would not be bad pre-retirement gigs. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I remember hearing the term this morning, and although I'd heard it before it actually registered this time -- bloggers or tweeters want "followers".  Like friends on Facebook or something, it creates this feeling of importance, doesn't it?  What an age we live in, that we can all be international publishers and broadcasters from our home computers. 

Used to be that only religions and cult leaders had followers.  Not sure I like the idea of anyone following me.

Anyhoo, this past weekend I actually interrupted all of the "screen time", got myself and the kids bundled up and went into the backyard to build a snowman.  Well actually, the 4-year old didn't want to wait for the finished product, so we ended up with 3 large snowballs toppled on the ground that we turned into a snowfort.  Another snowfort later, and we were off to the snowball fight races. 

An hour of getting soaking wet and rosy cheeks, and it felt like childhood.

I think what got me off my butt was a psa that my wife found online about childhood obesity being linked with screen time - can't find it now, but the statistic was sobering.  Some ad with a child's head on an obese adult's body in a doctor's office? 

The best I could find with a little searching was:

In 2004, over a third (36%) of children aged 6 to 11 logged more than 2 hours of screen time each day.
These children were twice as likely to be overweight/obese as were those whose daily viewing
totalled an hour or less (35% versus 18%), and about twice as likely to be obese (11% versus 5%).

A little lame I know since it's from 2004, but I always say that Canada's about 5 years being in everything.