Friday, January 28, 2011



Well, my daughter made it through the surgery ok, and she's healing well.  A little reconstruction of the inner ear by scraping off some of the mastoid bone and reshaping the eardrum, ouch.

Thanks to Sick Kids and Dr. Papsin for a successful operation and what's hopefully a fix for her severe infection.  And no evidence of a tumour, woohoo!  Or, as a colleague reminded me yesterday in her best Arnie impression, "It's not a tooma":

So I was watching "House" on DVD last night with the missus and I was thinking about how he cleverly diagnoses patients in the clinic so quickly, based mostly on observation and limited information.  It struck me that there are parallels with Sherlock Holmes -- has anyone noticed this before?

  1. He makes deductions based on visual observation of the patient (clues about their clothing, appearance)
  2. He's conceited and condescending
  3. He has an addiction to painkillers, like Holmes was addicted to cocaine
  4. His sidekick, friend, and consultant (who helps him solve the "mysteries") is Dr. Wilson - not too far from Dr. Watson
Not to mention that Hugh Laurie is a British actor.
Or is it just me?

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